The forex debate what is emefiele up to this time by theophilus opaleye

It seems like you're referring to an article or opinion piece by Theophilus Opaleye titled "The Forex Debate: What is Emefiele up to this time?".

For those who may not be familiar, Godwin Emefiele is the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), and the article likely discusses his recent actions or decisions regarding the Nigerian foreign exchange (forex) market.

Without knowing the specific content of the article, it's difficult to provide a detailed summary. However, I can try to provide some context and insights on the topic.

The Nigerian forex market has been a subject of controversy and debate in recent years, with concerns about the CBN's management of the market, the impact of foreign exchange restrictions on the economy, and the effects of currency devaluation on inflation and the cost of living.

As the Governor of the CBN, Emefiele has implemented various policies aimed at stabilizing the forex market, including the introduction of the Investors and Exporters (I&E) window, which allows for the trading of foreign exchange at a market-determined rate. He has also implemented various measures to restrict the flow of foreign exchange out of the country, including the ban on the sale of foreign exchange to Bureau de Change (BDC) operators.

The article may be discussing Emefiele's latest moves or decisions regarding the forex market, such as any changes to the I&E window, the CBN's foreign exchange reserves, or its policies on foreign exchange allocation. It may also be analyzing the impact of these decisions on the economy, businesses, and individuals.

If you're interested in learning more about the article, I recommend reading it in its entirety or searching for other sources that provide a balanced view of the topic.