The fifa presidential elections contenders and pretenders

The FIFA Presidential Elections! A high-stakes contest that has captivated the world of football. Here's a rundown of the contenders and pretenders who have thrown their hats into the ring:


  1. Gianni Infantino (Incumbent): The current FIFA President, Infantino is seeking a second term. He has been a strong advocate for reform and has implemented several initiatives to increase transparency and accountability within the organization.
  2. Vladimir Montenegro (Colombian Football Federation President): Montenegro has been a vocal critic of Infantino's leadership and has promised to bring about change and reform to FIFA.
  3. Lars-Christer Olsson (Former UEFA Executive Committee Member): Olsson has a strong background in football administration and has been a vocal advocate for greater transparency and accountability within FIFA.


  1. Prince Ali bin Al Hussein (Former FIFA Vice President): Although he has not officially announced his candidacy, Prince Ali has been rumored to be considering a run. He was a strong contender in the 2015 presidential election, but ultimately lost to Infantino.
  2. Jérôme Valcke (Former FIFA Secretary General): Valcke was banned from football for 12 years in 2015 due to corruption allegations. Despite this, he has hinted at a possible return to FIFA and has been rumored to be considering a presidential bid.
  3. Chuck Blazer (Former FIFA Executive Committee Member): Blazer was a key figure in the 2015 corruption scandal and was banned from football for life. Although he has not officially announced his candidacy, some have speculated that he may try to make a comeback.

Other Candidates:

  1. Seydouba Camara (Guinean Football Federation President): Camara has announced his candidacy and has promised to bring about change and reform to FIFA.
  2. David Martin (Former FIFA Executive Committee Member): Martin has announced his candidacy and has promised to prioritize transparency and accountability within FIFA.

It's worth noting that the FIFA Presidential Election is scheduled to take place on June 5, 2023, and the candidates will need to meet certain eligibility criteria and go through a nomination process before the election. The outcome of the election will have significant implications for the future of FIFA and the global football community.