The expulsive power of a new affection pdf

A fascinating topic!

"The Expulsive Power of a New Affection" is a concept coined by Scottish philosopher and theologian Thomas Chalmers (1780-1847). It refers to the idea that when we experience a new and intense emotional connection or affection, it can displace or "expel" our previous emotional attachments or affections.

In other words, when we fall deeply in love or develop a strong attachment to someone or something, it can supplant our previous emotional investments, making it difficult to maintain our previous relationships or interests. This phenomenon is often observed in romantic relationships, where a new partner can suddenly become the sole focus of our emotional attention, causing us to neglect or abandon our previous relationships or hobbies.

Chalmers' concept is rooted in his understanding of human psychology and the nature of emotions. He believed that our emotions are not fixed or static, but rather dynamic and constantly evolving. When we experience a new and intense emotional connection, it can trigger a process of emotional reorientation, where our previous emotional attachments are gradually replaced by the new one.

Here's a PDF summary of the concept:

The Expulsive Power of a New Affection

by Thomas Chalmers


The Expulsive Power of a New Affection is a concept that describes the phenomenon where a new and intense emotional connection can displace or "expel" our previous emotional attachments or affections. This process is driven by the dynamic nature of human emotions, which are constantly evolving and adapting to new experiences.

Key Points

  1. Emotions are dynamic: Emotions are not fixed or static, but rather constantly evolving and adapting to new experiences.
  2. New affection can displace old: A new and intense emotional connection can supplant our previous emotional investments, making it difficult to maintain our previous relationships or interests.
  3. Emotional reorientation: The process of emotional reorientation, where our previous emotional attachments are gradually replaced by the new one.
  4. Intensity of emotion: The intensity of the new emotional connection plays a crucial role in the expulsive power of a new affection.


  1. Relationships: The concept has significant implications for our understanding of romantic relationships, where a new partner can suddenly become the sole focus of our emotional attention.
  2. Emotional attachment: The expulsive power of a new affection highlights the dynamic nature of emotional attachment and the potential for emotional reorientation.
  3. Personal growth: The concept can also be applied to personal growth and development, where new experiences and relationships can lead to a reorientation of our emotional priorities.

I hope this summary helps!