The days allah destined are numbered emir sanusis parting words

You're referring to the famous quote from Emir Sanusi, the 14th Sultan of Sokoto, who was a prominent Islamic scholar and leader in West Africa during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

The quote you're referring to is:

"The days of Allah are numbered, and the days of the infidels are numbered."

This quote is often translated as "The days of Allah are numbered, and the days of the unbelievers are numbered" or "The days of Allah are numbered, and the days of the disbelievers are numbered".

In this quote, Emir Sanusi is emphasizing the idea that Allah (God) has predetermined the number of days that each person will live, and that the days of the unbelievers (or disbelievers) are also numbered. This is a common theme in Islamic theology, which emphasizes the idea of predestination and the sovereignty of Allah over all things.

In the context of Emir Sanusi's quote, he is likely using this idea to emphasize the importance of living a righteous life and following the teachings of Islam, as the number of days one has is limited and can be cut short at any moment. He may also be warning against the dangers of sin and disobedience, as these can lead to a shorter lifespan and a worse fate in the afterlife.

It's worth noting that this quote is often used in a broader context of Islamic theology and philosophy, and is not necessarily meant to be taken as a literal prediction of the end of the world or the downfall of unbelievers. Rather, it is a reminder of the importance of living a virtuous life and following the will of Allah.