The change we promised is that we will no longer depend on oil again minister of niger delta affairs

I think there may be a slight misunderstanding. The quote you provided seems to be a statement made by the Minister of Niger Delta Affairs, but it's not a complete sentence. Could you please provide more context or clarify what you mean by "the change we promised"?

However, I can try to provide some insight based on the context of the Niger Delta region and the Nigerian government's policies.

The Niger Delta region is a significant oil-producing area in Nigeria, and the region has been plagued by environmental degradation, poverty, and social unrest due to the exploitation of its natural resources. In recent years, there have been efforts to diversify the Nigerian economy and reduce its dependence on oil exports.

In 2019, the Nigerian government launched the "Nigeria Economic Sustainability Plan" (NESP), which aimed to reduce the country's dependence on oil and diversify its economy. The plan included initiatives such as investing in agriculture, manufacturing, and renewable energy, as well as promoting non-oil exports.

Additionally, the Nigerian government has also been working to develop the Niger Delta region, with initiatives such as the "Niger Delta Development Commission" (NDDC), which aims to promote sustainable development and improve the living standards of the people in the region.

So, while I'm not sure what specific "change" the Minister of Niger Delta Affairs was referring to, it's possible that they were talking about the government's efforts to reduce Nigeria's dependence on oil and promote sustainable development in the Niger Delta region.