The breaker upperers

"The Breaker Upperers" is a 2018 New Zealand comedy film written and directed by Jackie van Beek and Madeleine Sami. The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and received positive reviews from critics.

The movie follows the story of two women, Jen (Jackie van Beek) and Mel (Madeleine Sami), who run a business in Wellington, New Zealand, where they help people break up with their significant others. They use their own personal experiences and skills to help their clients end their relationships, often with humorous and unexpected results.

As the story unfolds, Jen and Mel's own friendship and personal lives become complicated, and they must confront their own feelings and motivations for running the business. The film explores themes of relationships, friendship, and the complexities of human emotions.

The film features a talented cast, including Jackie van Beek and Madeleine Sami, who also co-wrote and co-directed the film. The movie received praise for its witty dialogue, strong performances, and nuanced exploration of complex relationships.

If you enjoy comedy films with a strong focus on relationships and character development, you might enjoy "The Breaker Upperers."