The breaker upperers trailer

You're referring to the 2018 New Zealand romantic comedy film "The Breaker Upperers"!

Here's the trailer:

[The camera pans over a montage of couples arguing and breaking up, set to upbeat music]

Narrator (in a cheerful tone): "Breaking up is hard to do... but someone's gotta do it!"

[Cut to Jackie (played by Jackie van Beek) and Mel (played by Madeleine Sami), two women who run a business breaking up couples for a living]

Jackie: "We're the Breaker Upperers. We're like the divorce lawyers, but without the law degree."

Mel: "And without the guilt, because we're just doing it for the money."

[Cut to a montage of the two women in action, breaking up couples in various creative and humorous ways]

Narrator: "Meet Jackie and Mel, the most unlikely of entrepreneurs, who've turned breaking up into a lucrative business."

[Cut to a scene where Jackie and Mel are discussing their latest client, a couple who are having trouble ending their relationship]

Jackie: "We're not just breaking up couples, we're making a difference. We're freeing people from the shackles of love."

Mel: "And getting rich in the process."

[Cut to a scene where Jackie and Mel are celebrating their success, with champagne and cake]

Narrator: "But when their own friendship is put to the test, they must confront the ultimate question: can you really break up with someone you love?"

[Cut to a montage of Jackie and Mel's relationship being put to the test, with plenty of laughs and tears along the way]

Narrator: "Find out in 'The Breaker Upperers', a heartwarming and hilarious comedy about love, friendship, and the art of breaking up."

[The trailer ends with the title "The Breaker Upperers" and the tagline "Breaking up is hard to do... but someone's gotta do it!"]

I hope that helps!