The breaker upperers 2018

"The Breaker Upperers" is a 2018 New Zealand comedy film written and directed by Jackie van Beek and Madeleine Sami. The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2018 and was released in New Zealand in May 2018.

The film follows the story of two women, Jen (Jackie van Beek) and Mel (Madeleine Sami), who run a business breaking up couples. They use their skills to help people end their relationships, but their own friendship is put to the test when they are hired to break up a couple that one of them has feelings for.

The film received positive reviews from critics, with many praising the performances of the two leads and the witty dialogue. It was also a commercial success, grossing over $1 million at the box office in New Zealand.

Here are some of the key facts about the film: