The breaker 3

You're referring to "The Breaker" series!

"The Breaker" is a popular South Korean manhwa (comic) series written by Jeon Geuk-jin and illustrated by Park Jin-hwan. The series was first published in 2007 and has since become a huge hit worldwide.

The story follows Shinichi, a high school student who is transported to a fantasy world where he meets a powerful mage named Wang Chenshu. Wang Chenshu is on a quest to break the "Breaker" seal, which has been placed on the world by a powerful entity known as the "Breaker".

The series is known for its unique blend of fantasy and action elements, as well as its complex characters and intricate plot. It has been praised for its engaging storyline, memorable characters, and stunning artwork.

The series has been adapted into an anime series, as well as several video games and novels. It has also gained a large following worldwide, with fans praising its unique blend of genres and its epic scope.

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