Thanking god for another new month

What a wonderful attitude to have! Here's a prayer you can say to thank God for another new month:

"Dear God,

I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to you for bringing me to the start of another new month. As I reflect on the past month, I am reminded of your goodness and faithfulness in my life. You have been with me through every up and down, and I am so thankful for your presence.

As I look to this new month, I ask that you continue to guide me and direct my path. Help me to use this time wisely, to make the most of every moment, and to bring glory to your name.

Thank you for the opportunities that lie ahead, and for the challenges that will help me grow and become more like you. I am excited to see what this new month will bring, and I am confident that you will be with me every step of the way.

In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen."

Remember to take a moment to reflect on the past month and all the blessings you've received. And as you look to the new month, ask God to guide you and direct your path.