Thai kings funeral set for october

You're referring to the upcoming funeral of King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand, also known as Rama IX. Yes, the funeral is scheduled to take place in October 2017, although the exact date has not been officially announced.

King Bhumibol passed away on October 13, 2016, at the age of 88, after a long illness. His funeral is expected to be a grand and elaborate affair, with dignitaries and mourners from around the world attending to pay their respects to the beloved monarch.

The funeral procession will take place at Sanam Luang, a large public square in Bangkok, and will involve a series of rituals and ceremonies to honor the king's memory. The funeral will be a significant event for Thailand, as it marks the end of an era and the beginning of a new chapter in the country's history.

It's worth noting that the Thai government has been preparing for the funeral for months, and has made extensive arrangements to ensure the safety and security of all attendees. The event is expected to be a somber and dignified occasion, with a focus on paying tribute to the king's life and legacy.