Texas immigration news

Here are some recent news articles and updates on immigration in Texas:

Recent Developments:

  1. Texas Sues Biden Administration Over Immigration Policy: In September 2021, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sued the Biden administration over its immigration policy, alleging that it is unconstitutional and violates federal law. (Source: The Texas Tribune)
  2. Border Wall Construction Resumes in Texas: In October 2021, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced that it would resume construction on the border wall in Texas, despite opposition from environmental groups and local communities. (Source: The New York Times)
  3. Texas Governor Signs Bill to Crack Down on Sanctuary Cities: In June 2021, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a bill that prohibits cities and counties from adopting policies that limit cooperation with federal immigration authorities. (Source: The Dallas Morning News)

Immigration Issues in Texas:

  1. Border Crisis: Texas has been at the forefront of the ongoing border crisis, with thousands of migrants attempting to cross the border each month. The state has deployed National Guard troops to the border and has called for increased federal funding to address the issue.
  2. Immigration Detention Centers: Texas is home to several immigration detention centers, including the Karnes County Residential Center and the South Texas Family Residential Center. These facilities have been criticized for poor conditions and allegations of abuse.
  3. Undocumented Immigrants in Texas: According to the Pew Research Center, an estimated 1.7 million undocumented immigrants live in Texas, making up about 4% of the state's population.

Recent Immigration-Related Events in Texas:

  1. Caravan of Migrants Arrives in Texas: In September 2021, a group of migrants arrived in Texas, seeking asylum in the United States. The group was met with resistance from some local residents and law enforcement.
  2. Immigration Protest in Austin: In October 2021, hundreds of people gathered in Austin to protest the Biden administration's immigration policy and to demand action on immigration reform.
  3. Texas-Mexico Border Towns Struggle with Migrant Crisis: In November 2021, border towns in Texas, such as El Paso and Brownsville, struggled to cope with the influx of migrants, leading to concerns about public health, safety, and economic impacts.


  1. Texas Department of Public Safety: The Texas Department of Public Safety provides information on border security and immigration enforcement in the state.
  2. U.S. Customs and Border Protection: The U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency provides information on border crossing statistics, immigration enforcement, and border security initiatives.
  3. Texas Immigrant Rights Coalition: The Texas Immigrant Rights Coalition is a non-profit organization that advocates for the rights of immigrants in Texas and provides resources and support for those affected by immigration policies.

I hope this information is helpful!