Tetfund latest news

Here are some of the latest news and updates from the TETFund (Tertiary Education Trust Fund):

Recent News

  1. TETFund approves N1.3 billion for 2022 intervention projects: The TETFund Board has approved N1.3 billion for the 2022 intervention projects in the country's tertiary institutions. The projects include infrastructure development, research grants, and staff development. (Source: Vanguard, March 2022)
  2. TETFund to establish 10 new research institutes: The TETFund has announced plans to establish 10 new research institutes in the country's tertiary institutions. The institutes will focus on areas such as agriculture, health, and technology. (Source: Daily Trust, February 2022)
  3. TETFund approves N1.2 billion for 2021 intervention projects: The TETFund Board has approved N1.2 billion for the 2021 intervention projects in the country's tertiary institutions. The projects include infrastructure development, research grants, and staff development. (Source: ThisDay, December 2021)
  4. TETFund launches online portal for research grants: The TETFund has launched an online portal for research grants, aimed at promoting research and innovation in the country's tertiary institutions. (Source: Premium Times, November 2021)
  5. TETFund approves N1.1 billion for 2020 intervention projects: The TETFund Board has approved N1.1 billion for the 2020 intervention projects in the country's tertiary institutions. The projects include infrastructure development, research grants, and staff development. (Source: Leadership, October 2020)

Upcoming Events

  1. TETFund Annual Conference: The TETFund will be hosting its annual conference in Abuja, Nigeria, from March 14-16, 2022. The conference will focus on the theme "Transforming Tertiary Education through Research and Innovation".
  2. TETFund Research Grants Workshop: The TETFund will be hosting a research grants workshop in Lagos, Nigeria, from April 11-13, 2022. The workshop will focus on the theme "Enhancing Research Capacity in Tertiary Institutions".

Recent Publications

  1. TETFund Annual Report 2020: The TETFund has published its annual report for 2020, which highlights the fund's achievements and challenges in the year.
  2. TETFund Research Journal: The TETFund has published its research journal, which features research articles and papers from tertiary institutions in Nigeria.

Please note that the information provided is subject to change and may not be up-to-date. For the latest and most accurate information, please visit the TETFund website or contact the organization directly.