Test tube news

A blast from the past! "Test Tube News" was a popular segment on the Canadian children's television show "You Can't Do That on Television" (YCDTOTV) that aired from 1979 to 1990. The segment featured a group of kids, known as the "Test Tube News Team," who would report on various news stories in a humorous and over-the-top way.

The segment was known for its wacky and absurd news stories, often featuring silly puns, pranks, and slapstick humor. The news anchors, who were usually dressed in ridiculous outfits, would present the news in a serious but playful manner, often breaking into song or dance.

Some of the most memorable Test Tube News segments include:

  1. "The Great Sock Conspiracy": A report on a supposed plot by socks to take over the world.
  2. "The Mystery of the Missing Muffins": An investigation into the disappearance of muffins from the show's set.
  3. "The Great Pizza Heist": A report on a fictional pizza heist, complete with fake police interviews and dramatic reenactments.

The Test Tube News segment became a beloved part of YCDTOTV's humor and charm, and many fans of the show still remember it fondly today.