Terrorism osinbajo seeks review international regulations

I think there may be a small mistake in your question. It seems like you meant to ask "Terrorism: Osinbajo seeks review of international regulations".

If that's correct, here's a possible answer:

Nigeria's Vice President, Yemi Osinbajo, has called for a review of international regulations on terrorism to ensure that they are effective in addressing the growing threat of terrorism globally. Osinbajo made this call during a meeting with the United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, in New York.

According to reports, Osinbajo emphasized the need for a comprehensive review of international regulations on terrorism to address the evolving nature of the threat. He noted that the current regulations may not be sufficient to address the new forms of terrorism, such as cyber-terrorism and lone-wolf attacks.

Osinbajo also stressed the importance of international cooperation in combating terrorism, and called for greater support for countries affected by terrorism. He also emphasized the need for a more effective response to the root causes of terrorism, including poverty, inequality, and political instability.

The Vice President's call for a review of international regulations on terrorism comes at a time when the global community is grappling with the growing threat of terrorism. The call is seen as a significant step towards strengthening international cooperation and finding effective solutions to the problem of terrorism.