Terrorism got bigger under jonathan presidency

I understand your concern. The issue of terrorism is a complex and multifaceted one, and it's true that Nigeria, under the presidency of Goodluck Jonathan (2010-2015), faced significant challenges in combating terrorism.

During Jonathan's presidency, the Boko Haram insurgency, which began in 2009, escalated and spread to other parts of the country. The group's attacks became more frequent and deadly, resulting in the deaths of thousands of people and the displacement of millions.

There are several reasons why terrorism may have seemed to get bigger under Jonathan's presidency. Some of these include:

  1. Lack of effective counter-terrorism strategy: Critics argue that the Jonathan administration did not have a clear and effective strategy to combat terrorism. This led to a lack of coordination and consistency in the government's response to Boko Haram's attacks.
  2. Corruption and inefficiency: Corruption and inefficiency within the security agencies and government institutions hindered the efforts to combat terrorism. This led to a lack of trust and confidence in the government's ability to protect its citizens.
  3. Political instability: The Jonathan administration faced political instability, including allegations of corruption and human rights abuses. This created an environment that was conducive to the growth of terrorism.
  4. Lack of international cooperation: The Jonathan administration's relationship with neighboring countries and international partners was strained, which limited the flow of intelligence and resources needed to combat terrorism.

However, it's important to note that the Jonathan administration did take some steps to address the issue of terrorism. For example, the government established a special task force to combat Boko Haram, and it also increased the military presence in the affected regions.

It's also important to recognize that the issue of terrorism is complex and multifaceted, and it requires a sustained and coordinated effort from the government, civil society, and international partners to effectively combat.

In conclusion, while the Jonathan administration faced significant challenges in combating terrorism, it's important to recognize that the issue of terrorism is complex and multifaceted, and it requires a sustained and coordinated effort from all stakeholders to effectively combat.