Tension doused as ajimobi ladoja embrace at olubadans 90th birthday

I think there may be a few issues with the sentence you provided.

Firstly, "tension doused" is a phrase that means to reduce or eliminate tension, but it's not a common way to express that idea in English. A more natural way to phrase it would be "tension was eased" or "tension was relieved".

Secondly, "ajimobi ladoja" doesn't seem to be a real person or entity. Ajimobi is a surname, and ladoja is a Yoruba word that means "drum", but I'm not aware of anyone with that name.

Lastly, "olubadans 90th birthday" is a bit unclear. Olubadan is a title given to the highest-ranking chief in Ibadan, a city in Nigeria. If you meant to say that the Olubadan was celebrating his 90th birthday, that would be a significant event!

Here's a rewritten version of your sentence that addresses these issues:

"Tension was eased as the Olubadan, the highest-ranking chief in Ibadan, celebrated his 90th birthday, marking a moment of unity and joy among the attendees."

Please let me know if this is what you were trying to convey!