Tennis news djokovic

Here are the latest news and updates on Novak Djokovic, the Serbian professional tennis player:

Recent News:

  1. Australian Open Controversy: Djokovic was deported from Australia on January 16, 2022, after his visa was cancelled due to his vaccination status. He was scheduled to play in the Australian Open, but the controversy surrounding his vaccination status led to his removal from the country.
  2. Djokovic's Vaccination Status: Djokovic has been vocal about his opposition to vaccination, and his decision not to get vaccinated has been a topic of controversy in the tennis world. He has been criticized for putting his own interests ahead of the well-being of others and for potentially spreading the virus.
  3. Djokovic's Sponsorship Deals: Djokovic has lost several sponsorship deals due to his vaccination stance, including deals with Australian Open sponsors and other major brands.
  4. Djokovic's Ranking: Despite the controversy, Djokovic remains one of the top-ranked tennis players in the world, currently ranked No. 2 in the ATP rankings.
  5. Djokovic's Upcoming Schedule: Djokovic is scheduled to play in the Dubai Tennis Championships in March 2022, and is expected to compete in the French Open and Wimbledon later in the year.

Recent Quotes:

  1. "I'm not a doctor, I'm not a scientist, I'm a tennis player. I'm not going to get involved in the vaccination debate." - Djokovic on his vaccination stance.
  2. "I'm not going to change my stance on vaccination. I'm going to continue to do what I think is right for my body and my health." - Djokovic on his decision not to get vaccinated.
  3. "I'm not going to let the controversy surrounding my vaccination status affect my performance on the court. I'm going to continue to work hard and focus on my tennis." - Djokovic on his approach to the controversy.

Recent Interviews:

  1. BBC Sport: Djokovic spoke to BBC Sport about his vaccination stance and his decision to play in the Australian Open despite the controversy surrounding his vaccination status.
  2. The Guardian: Djokovic spoke to The Guardian about his views on vaccination and his decision not to get vaccinated.
  3. ESPN: Djokovic spoke to ESPN about his upcoming schedule and his plans for the rest of the tennis season.

Recent Articles:

  1. The New York Times: "Novak Djokovic's Vaccination Stance Sparks Outrage and Debate in Tennis World"
  2. The Guardian: "Novak Djokovic's Australian Open deportation sparks debate over vaccination and freedom"
  3. ESPN: "Djokovic's vaccination stance sparks controversy, but he remains focused on tennis"