Ten definition of news

Here are ten different definitions of "news":

  1. Information about current events: News refers to reports or stories about events that have recently occurred, often in the world of politics, business, sports, or entertainment.

Example: "The news about the new iPhone release was all over the internet."

  1. Recent happenings: News can also refer to the latest developments or occurrences in a particular field or industry.

Example: "The news in the tech world is that a new startup has raised millions in funding."

  1. Publicly disseminated information: News is often defined as information that is publicly shared or disseminated through various media channels, such as newspapers, television, radio, or online platforms.

Example: "The news about the company's financial struggles was reported in the local newspaper."

  1. Current events in a specific field: News can also refer to recent developments or happenings in a particular field or industry, such as science, medicine, or education.

Example: "The news in the medical field is that a new treatment has shown promising results."

  1. Information that is new and significant: News is often characterized by its novelty and significance, meaning that it is new and important information that is not widely known.

Example: "The news about the discovery of a new planet was a major breakthrough in the field of astronomy."

  1. Reports of events that have occurred: News can also refer to written or spoken reports of events that have already occurred, often in the form of articles, broadcasts, or online posts.

Example: "The news report about the natural disaster was heart-wrenching."

  1. Information that is timely and relevant: News is often defined by its timeliness and relevance, meaning that it is information that is current and important to the audience.

Example: "The news about the upcoming election is all anyone can talk about."

  1. Reports of events that are unusual or unexpected: News can also refer to reports of events that are unusual or unexpected, often because they are surprising, shocking, or dramatic.

Example: "The news about the plane crash was a shock to the entire community."

  1. Information that is publicly available: News is often defined by its public availability, meaning that it is information that is accessible to anyone who wants to know.

Example: "The news about the company's financial struggles was publicly disclosed in a filing with the SEC."

  1. Reports of events that are of interest to a particular audience: News can also refer to reports of events that are of interest to a particular audience or group, such as sports fans, business professionals, or entertainment enthusiasts.

Example: "The news about the new movie release was a big deal for fans of the franchise."