Temperature in new orleans

New Orleans, Louisiana! Known for its vibrant culture, delicious Creole cuisine, and... hot and humid weather!

Here's a breakdown of the typical temperature ranges in New Orleans:

Summer (June to August)

Summer is the hottest and most humid season in New Orleans, with temperatures often reaching the mid-90s (30s Celsius) during heatwaves.

Fall (September to November)

Fall is a great time to visit New Orleans, with mild temperatures and lower humidity making it ideal for outdoor activities.

Winter (December to February)

Winters in New Orleans are generally mild, with occasional cold fronts bringing temperatures down into the 40s (7-12°C).

Spring (March to May)

Spring is another lovely time to visit New Orleans, with temperatures gradually warming up and humidity levels decreasing.

Extreme Weather

Overall, New Orleans has a subtropical climate, with hot and humid summers, mild winters, and pleasant springs and autumns. Be prepared for the heat and humidity, and enjoy the city's unique charm and culture!