Television news script example

Here is an example of a television news script:


[Urgent music plays as the anchor, John Smith, appears on screen with a serious expression]

John Smith: "Good evening, I'm John Smith, and this is the evening news. We have breaking news tonight from the nation's capital, where a major scandal has rocked the government. Our top story tonight: the President's Chief of Staff has resigned amid allegations of corruption and abuse of power."


[Cut to a graphic with the headline "Chief of Staff Resigns Amid Scandal"]

John Smith (voiceover): "According to sources, the Chief of Staff was accused of using his position to benefit his own business interests, and of retaliating against government officials who dared to question his actions. The President has accepted the resignation, but the fallout from this scandal is far from over."

[Cut to an interview with a political analyst]

Political Analyst: "This is a major blow to the President's administration, and it's going to be a tough road ahead for him to recover from this scandal. The public is going to be demanding answers, and the President is going to have to take some serious steps to restore trust in his government."


[Cut to a graphic with the headline "Wildfires Rage Across the West Coast"]

John Smith (voiceover): "Meanwhile, devastating wildfires are sweeping across the West Coast, forcing thousands of people to evacuate their homes and leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Our correspondent, Sarah Johnson, is live on the scene."

[Cut to Sarah Johnson, reporting live from the wildfires]

Sarah Johnson: "John, I'm here in the town of Redding, California, where the wildfires have been burning for days. The situation is dire, with entire neighborhoods reduced to ashes and thousands of people displaced. The fire department is working tirelessly to contain the blaze, but it's a tough fight."


[Cut back to John Smith in the studio]

John Smith: "That's all for tonight. Thank you for joining us. We'll continue to follow these stories and bring you updates as more information becomes available. And don't forget to tune in tomorrow for our special report on the impact of climate change on our communities."

[Closing music plays as the anchor appears on screen with a friendly smile]

John Smith: "Goodnight, and we'll see you tomorrow!"


This script is just an example, but it gives you an idea of what a television news script might look like. It includes: