Television news screen layout

A television news screen layout typically includes the following elements:

  1. Headline: A prominent display of the main story or top news item, often in large font and bold text.
  2. Anchor/Presenter: A live or recorded video feed of the news anchor or presenter, who introduces and summarizes the news stories.
  3. News Ticker: A scrolling text display at the bottom or side of the screen, providing updates on breaking news and developing stories.
  4. Graphics: Visual elements such as maps, charts, and infographics that help illustrate the news stories and provide context.
  5. Video Clips: Short video segments showcasing news footage, interviews, or other relevant content.
  6. Live Shots: Live video feeds from the field, often featuring reporters or correspondents reporting on news events.
  7. Breaking News Alerts: Flashing graphics or alerts that interrupt the regular programming to announce breaking news or developing stories.
  8. Weather Forecast: A segment providing weather updates, forecasts, and warnings.
  9. Sports Updates: A segment providing sports news, scores, and highlights.
  10. Business/Finance: A segment providing business and financial news, market updates, and analysis.
  11. Entertainment: A segment providing entertainment news, reviews, and features.
  12. Social Media Integration: Integration of social media feeds, such as Twitter or Facebook, to provide real-time updates and user-generated content.
  13. Lower Thirds: Graphics or text overlays that appear below the anchor or presenter, providing additional information or context.
  14. Sidebars: Graphics or text overlays that appear on the side of the screen, providing additional information or context.
  15. Closing Credits: A segment that appears at the end of the broadcast, providing credits and acknowledgments.

Here's an example of a typical television news screen layout:

Top: Headline and anchor/presenter

Middle: News ticker and graphics

Bottom: Video clips and live shots

Left/Right: Sidebars and lower thirds

Bottom Left/Right: Weather forecast and sports updates

Bottom Center: Business/finance and entertainment

Top Right: Social media integration

Bottom Right: Closing credits

Note that the specific layout may vary depending on the news organization, the type of news program, and the target audience.