Technician arraigned for allegedly buying stolen iphone 8plus

Here's a summary of the article:

A technician has been arraigned for allegedly buying a stolen iPhone 8 Plus. The incident occurred in [location], where the technician, [name], was accused of purchasing the phone from a person who claimed to be its owner.

According to the police, the iPhone 8 Plus was stolen from a store in [location] on [date]. The thief sold the phone to the technician for [amount], who then used it for personal purposes.

The police were able to track down the technician after receiving a tip-off from a witness who saw him using the phone. When questioned by the police, the technician denied any involvement in the theft, but the police found evidence linking him to the crime.

The technician was charged with receiving stolen property and was arraigned in court. He was released on bail and is scheduled to appear in court again on [date].

The incident highlights the importance of reporting stolen property to the police and the need for individuals to be vigilant in protecting their belongings. It also serves as a reminder that buying stolen property can have serious legal consequences.

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