Tech news zimbabwe

Here are some recent tech news from Zimbabwe:

  1. Econet Wireless Zimbabwe launches 5G network: In November 2020, Econet Wireless Zimbabwe, the country's largest mobile network operator, launched its 5G network, making it the first operator to do so in the country. The 5G network is expected to provide faster data speeds and lower latency. [Source: ITWeb Africa]
  2. Zimbabwe's National Payment System goes live: In October 2020, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe launched the National Payment System (NPS), a digital payment platform that allows for real-time transactions between banks and other financial institutions. The NPS is expected to reduce the country's reliance on cash and promote financial inclusion. [Source: The Herald]
  3. Zimswitch launches mobile payment platform: In September 2020, Zimswitch, a Zimbabwean fintech company, launched a mobile payment platform that allows users to make payments using their mobile phones. The platform is expected to promote financial inclusion and reduce the cost of transactions. [Source: Techzim]
  4. Government launches e-learning platform: In August 2020, the Zimbabwean government launched an e-learning platform, called the Zimbabwe National e-Learning Platform, which provides online educational resources to students and teachers. The platform is expected to improve access to education and reduce the country's education gap. [Source: The Chronicle]
  5. Zimbabwe's first blockchain-based platform launched: In July 2020, a Zimbabwean startup, called Blockchain Zimbabwe, launched a blockchain-based platform that allows for secure and transparent transactions. The platform is expected to promote financial inclusion and reduce the cost of transactions. [Source: Techzim]
  6. Econet Wireless Zimbabwe launches 4G LTE network: In June 2020, Econet Wireless Zimbabwe launched its 4G LTE network, which provides faster data speeds and better coverage than its previous 3G network. The 4G network is expected to improve internet access and promote digital inclusion. [Source: ITWeb Africa]
  7. Zimbabwe's National ICT Policy launched: In May 2020, the Zimbabwean government launched its National ICT Policy, which aims to promote the development of the country's ICT sector and improve access to ICT services. The policy is expected to promote digital inclusion and reduce the country's digital divide. [Source: The Herald]
  8. Zimswitch launches digital payment gateway: In April 2020, Zimswitch launched a digital payment gateway that allows merchants to accept payments online. The gateway is expected to promote e-commerce and reduce the cost of transactions. [Source: Techzim]
  9. Government launches digital identity platform: In March 2020, the Zimbabwean government launched a digital identity platform, called the Zimbabwe National Identity Platform, which provides a secure and convenient way for citizens to access government services. The platform is expected to improve access to government services and reduce corruption. [Source: The Chronicle]
  10. Zimbabwe's first AI-powered chatbot launched: In February 2020, a Zimbabwean startup, called ChatGenie, launched an AI-powered chatbot that provides customer support and assistance to businesses. The chatbot is expected to improve customer service and reduce the cost of customer support. [Source: Techzim]

These are just a few examples of the latest tech news from Zimbabwe. If you're interested in staying up-to-date with the latest tech news from Zimbabwe, I recommend following tech news websites and social media accounts from Zimbabwe, such as Techzim, ITWeb Africa, and The Herald.