Tech news api free

Here are some free Tech News APIs:

  1. News API: Provides access to news articles from various sources, including tech news. (Free tier: 100 requests per day)
  2. TechCrunch API: Offers access to news articles from TechCrunch, a popular tech news website. (Free tier: 100 requests per day)
  3. Google News API: Provides access to news articles from various sources, including tech news. (Free tier: 100 requests per day)
  4. Apple News API: Offers access to news articles from various sources, including tech news. (Free tier: 100 requests per day)
  5. Mashable API: Provides access to news articles from Mashable, a popular tech news website. (Free tier: 100 requests per day)
  6. The Verge API: Offers access to news articles from The Verge, a popular tech news website. (Free tier: 100 requests per day)
  7. Techmeme API: Provides access to news articles from various tech news sources. (Free tier: 100 requests per day)
  8. Reddit API: Offers access to news articles and comments from various subreddits, including tech-related communities. (Free tier: 100 requests per day)

Please note that some of these APIs may have usage limits, require registration, or have specific terms of use. Be sure to review the documentation and terms of service before using any of these APIs.