Tb joshua new anointing water

TB Joshua's New Anointing Water is a popular product among his followers and many others around the world. Here's what I've found out about it:

What is New Anointing Water?

New Anointing Water is a special anointing oil produced by TB Joshua, a Nigerian pastor and televangelist. It is believed to have healing properties and is used for spiritual, physical, and emotional healing. The water is said to be blessed and anointed by TB Joshua himself, and is often used in prayer and worship services at his church, the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN).

How does it work?

According to TB Joshua's teachings, the New Anointing Water is a powerful tool that can bring about healing, deliverance, and spiritual growth. It is believed to have the power to:

How to use it

TB Joshua's followers and many others around the world use the New Anointing Water in various ways, including:

Controversies and criticisms

Like many other spiritual products and practices, the New Anointing Water has been subject to controversy and criticism. Some people have questioned its effectiveness and authenticity, while others have raised concerns about its commercialization and potential exploitation.


The New Anointing Water is a popular spiritual product that has gained a significant following around the world. While its effectiveness and authenticity are subject to debate, many people have reported positive experiences and benefits from using it. As with any spiritual practice or product, it's essential to approach it with a critical and open-minded perspective, and to prioritize spiritual growth and development over material gain.