Taxi in new york

The iconic New York City taxi! Here are some interesting facts and tips about taking a taxi in the Big Apple:

Types of Taxis:

  1. Yellow Cabs: The classic NYC taxi, also known as medallion cabs, are yellow and can be hailed on the street.
  2. Green Cabs: These are also yellow, but with a green stripe, and are used for outer boroughs and airports.
  3. Flat Rate Cabs: These cabs have a fixed rate for specific routes, such as from JFK to Manhattan.
  4. Ride-hailing Services: Uber, Lyft, and other ride-hailing services are also available in NYC.

Hailing a Taxi:

  1. Look for a yellow cab with its roof light on, indicating it's available.
  2. Stand on the sidewalk and raise your hand to hail the taxi.
  3. Make eye contact with the driver and wave to ensure they see you.
  4. If the taxi is occupied, you can also hail one from a nearby location.

Tips and Etiquette:

  1. Be prepared to pay with cash or credit card.
  2. Tip 10-15% of the fare, depending on the service.
  3. Keep your valuables secure and out of sight.
  4. Be respectful to the driver and other passengers.
  5. Don't eat or drink in the taxi, unless you're in a private car service.

Fares and Payment:

  1. The base fare is $3.00, plus $0.50 per 1/5 mile or $0.50 per 30 seconds in traffic.
  2. Tolls are added to the fare.
  3. You can pay with cash, credit card, or mobile payment methods like Apple Pay or Google Pay.
  4. Some taxis accept tips via credit card, but it's always best to have cash on hand.

Safety Tips:

  1. Always check the taxi's license plate and medallion number to ensure it's a legitimate NYC taxi.
  2. Avoid hailing taxis in isolated areas or at night.
  3. Keep your phone charged and with you at all times.
  4. If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, ask the driver to let you out at the next stop.

Fun Facts:

  1. The first taxi in NYC was introduced in 1635, and it was a horse-drawn carriage.
  2. The iconic yellow cab was introduced in 1912.
  3. NYC has over 13,000 taxis on the road.
  4. The average taxi ride in NYC is around 2.5 miles.

Now, go ahead and hail that taxi and experience the thrill of navigating the streets of New York City!