Taxation zmsg engages cleric on awareness campaign

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a press release about the taxation department in a country or region, specifically the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA), engaging with a cleric to raise awareness about taxation among the general public.

Here's a possible summary of the article:

The Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) has partnered with a prominent cleric to launch a nationwide awareness campaign on taxation. The cleric, who is a respected figure in the community, will use his platform to educate people about the importance of paying taxes and the benefits of compliance.

The campaign, which is aimed at increasing tax compliance and reducing tax evasion, will focus on educating people about their tax obligations and the consequences of not paying taxes. The cleric will also use his sermons and other public engagements to promote the values of honesty and integrity, which are essential for a successful tax system.

The ZRA has identified the cleric as a key partner in its efforts to improve tax compliance, given his influence and reach in the community. The authority believes that his involvement will help to increase awareness and understanding of taxation among the general public, and ultimately lead to an increase in tax revenue.

The campaign is part of the ZRA's efforts to improve its tax administration and reduce the burden on taxpayers. The authority is committed to making taxation more efficient and effective, and is working to improve its services and reduce the complexity of the tax system.

Overall, the partnership between the ZRA and the cleric is an important step towards promoting a culture of tax compliance and reducing tax evasion in Zambia.