Tasnim news agency

Tasnim News Agency is an Iranian news agency that was established in 2012. It is considered to be one of the most prominent and influential news agencies in Iran, and it is known for its coverage of domestic and international news, as well as its analysis and commentary on current events.

Tasnim News Agency is headquartered in Tehran, Iran, and it has a network of correspondents and bureaus throughout the country. It is owned by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which is a powerful military organization in Iran that is responsible for defending the country's Islamic revolution.

Tasnim News Agency is known for its pro-government stance and its coverage of news and events that are favorable to the Iranian government. It is also known for its criticism of the United States and other Western countries, which it often portrays as enemies of Iran.

Some of the key areas of focus for Tasnim News Agency include:

  1. Domestic news: Tasnim News Agency covers news and events related to Iran, including politics, economy, culture, and sports.
  2. International news: The agency covers news and events from around the world, with a focus on issues related to Iran and the Middle East.
  3. Analysis and commentary: Tasnim News Agency publishes analysis and commentary pieces on current events, as well as opinion pieces from Iranian officials and experts.
  4. Interviews: The agency conducts interviews with Iranian officials, experts, and other newsmakers, as well as with international figures and leaders.

Tasnim News Agency is available in several languages, including Persian, Arabic, English, and French. It has a large following on social media, and its website is one of the most popular news websites in Iran.

Some of the notable features of Tasnim News Agency include:

  1. Live updates: The agency provides live updates on breaking news and events, as well as live coverage of major events and ceremonies.
  2. Video content: Tasnim News Agency produces and publishes video content, including news reports, documentaries, and analysis pieces.
  3. Podcasts: The agency produces and publishes podcasts on various topics, including news, analysis, and commentary.
  4. Social media: Tasnim News Agency has a strong presence on social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Overall, Tasnim News Agency is an important source of news and information in Iran, and it plays a significant role in shaping public opinion and influencing the country's political discourse.