Taraba crisis news

The Taraba crisis refers to a series of violent conflicts and attacks that have occurred in Taraba State, Nigeria, particularly in the border areas with Cameroon. Here are some recent news updates on the crisis:

Recent Developments:

  1. Fighting between herdsmen and farmers: Clashes between herdsmen and farmers in Taraba State have led to the deaths of several people and the displacement of many others. The conflict is fueled by competition for land and resources.
  2. Cameroon-Nigeria border closure: In response to the violence, Cameroon has closed its border with Nigeria, affecting trade and commerce in the region.
  3. Military operations: The Nigerian military has launched operations to quell the violence, but the situation remains volatile.
  4. Humanitarian crisis: The conflict has led to a humanitarian crisis, with thousands of people displaced and in need of food, shelter, and medical care.

Recent News Articles:

  1. "Taraba crisis: Cameroon closes border with Nigeria" (The Punch, March 2023)
  2. "Fighting between herdsmen and farmers in Taraba leaves several dead" (Premium Times, February 2023)
  3. "Nigeria's Taraba State in crisis as violence spreads" (Al Jazeera, January 2023)
  4. "Taraba crisis: Nigerian military launches operation to quell violence" (The Guardian, December 2022)

Key Players:

  1. Nigerian government: The Nigerian government has deployed troops to the region to quell the violence and restore order.
  2. Cameroonian government: Cameroon has closed its border with Nigeria in response to the violence and has called for an end to the conflict.
  3. Herdsmen and farmers: The conflict is fueled by competition for land and resources between herdsmen and farmers.
  4. Insurgents: Insurgents from neighboring countries, such as Boko Haram, have been linked to some of the attacks in the region.


  1. Humanitarian crisis: The conflict has led to a humanitarian crisis, with thousands of people displaced and in need of food, shelter, and medical care.
  2. Economic impact: The closure of the border with Cameroon has affected trade and commerce in the region.
  3. Security concerns: The violence has raised security concerns in the region, with many people living in fear of attacks.

I hope this information helps you stay up-to-date on the Taraba crisis.