Taliban storm german consulate in afghan city four killed

It appears that you're referring to a recent news article. Here's a summary of the situation:

On September 10, 2021, the Taliban stormed the German consulate in the Afghan city of Mazar-e-Sharif, killing at least four people, including a German citizen. The attack occurred during a chaotic scene as the Taliban took control of the city and the country after the withdrawal of US and NATO forces.

According to reports, the Taliban fighters breached the consulate's security perimeter and entered the building, leading to a shootout with the German security personnel and local police. The attackers reportedly used rocket-propelled grenades and small arms fire to breach the consulate's defenses.

The German government confirmed that one of its citizens was killed in the attack, along with three Afghan security personnel. Several others were injured, including German diplomats and local staff.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it was a response to the presence of foreign forces in Afghanistan. The group has been waging a insurgency against the government and foreign forces in the country for over two decades.

The attack on the German consulate is a significant escalation of violence in Afghanistan, which has seen a surge in attacks and violence since the Taliban's takeover. The international community has condemned the attack, and the German government has vowed to take all necessary measures to protect its citizens and interests in the region.

It's worth noting that the situation in Afghanistan is highly volatile, and the country is facing a humanitarian crisis, with millions of people displaced, and a severe economic crisis. The international community is working to provide aid and support to the Afghan people, but the situation remains precarious.