Tale of the unexpected

A classic!

"The Tale of the Unexpected" is a popular phrase that originated from a series of anthology horror films produced by Amicus Productions in the 1970s. The phrase was used to describe the twist endings that were a hallmark of these films.

The phrase has since been used more broadly to describe any unexpected or surprising turn of events, often with a sense of shock or surprise. It's often used to describe plot twists in movies, TV shows, books, or even real-life events that take an unexpected turn.

The phrase has become synonymous with the idea of something being "unexpected" or "unforeseen," and is often used to add a sense of drama or surprise to a story or situation.

Here are a few examples of how the phrase might be used:

Overall, "The Tale of the Unexpected" is a phrase that adds a sense of excitement and surprise to any story or situation, and is often used to describe unexpected events or plot twists.