Take charge now nigeria apc are plunging el rufai tells buhari #comments

Here are some possible comments on the tweet:

@NigerianPatriot: "Finally, someone with sense is speaking up! El-Rufai is right, APC is in shambles and Buhari needs to take charge now to salvage the situation."

@ConcernedCitizen: "I agree with El-Rufai, but it's too little too late. APC has been in power for too long and they've only brought us suffering and hardship. It's time for a change!"

@APCSupporter: "El-Rufai is just trying to stir up trouble. Buhari is doing his best with the resources available to him. We should support our leader instead of criticizing him all the time."

@NigeriaFirst: "El-Rufai is right, but we need to hold him accountable too. He's been a part of the problem in Kaduna state and now he's trying to play the hero. Let's not forget his track record!"

@BuhariMustGo: "El-Rufai is just trying to save his own skin. He knows that if APC loses power, he'll be held accountable for his own failures. We need a new government that will truly serve the people, not just the elite."

@KadunaState: "El-Rufai is speaking from a place of experience. He's been a governor and he knows what it takes to get things done. We need more leaders like him who are willing to take charge and make tough decisions."

@NigerianYouth: "El-Rufai is right, but we need to do more than just talk. We need to take action and hold our leaders accountable. We need to demand better from them and not just settle for mediocrity."