Taika waititi crashed his girlfriend rita oras interview during australian breakfast tv show sunrise

I think you may be referring to a recent incident that occurred on the Australian breakfast TV show Sunrise. According to reports, Taika Waititi, the director of Thor: Ragnarok and Jojo Rabbit, crashed his girlfriend Rita Ora's interview on the show.

During the interview, Waititi suddenly appeared on set and began chatting with Ora, causing the hosts to awkwardly try to incorporate him into the conversation. The incident was met with a mix of surprise and amusement from the audience, and it quickly went viral on social media.

It's worth noting that Waititi and Ora have been dating for a few years now, and they have been spotted together at various events and outings. However, this incident was a bit unexpected, and it's not every day that a celebrity crashes their partner's interview on live TV!