Tag zanu pf sacks mugabe

You're referring to the dramatic events that unfolded in Zimbabwe in 2017!

On November 6, 2017, the ruling ZANU-PF party of Zimbabwe, led by President Robert Mugabe, held an extraordinary central committee meeting to discuss the president's future. After hours of tense deliberations, the committee voted to recall Mugabe as the party's leader and first secretary, effectively ending his 37-year reign.

The move was seen as a major blow to Mugabe's authority, and it paved the way for the military to intervene and take control of the government. On November 15, 2017, the military placed Mugabe under house arrest, and a few days later, he was forced to resign as president, bringing an end to his authoritarian rule.

The events that led to Mugabe's downfall were complex and multifaceted, but some key factors included:

  1. Economic crisis: Zimbabwe's economy had been in shambles for years, with hyperinflation, food shortages, and widespread poverty.
  2. Corruption: Mugabe and his allies were accused of massive corruption, embezzling state funds, and using their positions for personal gain.
  3. Succession crisis: Mugabe's health was declining, and there was a growing power struggle within the ZANU-PF party over who would succeed him.
  4. Military intervention: The military, which had long been loyal to Mugabe, began to question his leadership and eventually turned against him.

The events of 2017 marked a significant turning point in Zimbabwe's history, and they paved the way for a new era of governance under President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who took over as president after Mugabe's resignation.