Tag x tiktok dance

You're referring to the popular "Toosie Slide" dance challenge on TikTok!

The "Toosie Slide" dance challenge, also known as the "X" dance, is a viral dance trend that originated on TikTok. It involves a series of simple dance moves, including:

  1. Starting with your feet together, take a small step to the side with one foot.
  2. Bring the other foot to meet the first foot, while bending your knees slightly.
  3. Slide your feet back and forth, keeping your knees bent, while moving your arms up and down.
  4. Repeat the sequence, alternating feet and arms.

The dance is often performed to the song "Toosie Slide" by Drake, but it can be done to any upbeat song with a similar tempo.

The "Toosie Slide" dance challenge has become a sensation on TikTok, with millions of users participating and sharing their own versions of the dance. It's a fun and easy dance to learn, and it's a great way to get moving and grooving with friends!