Tag world war ii soldiers

Here are some notable World War II soldiers from different countries:

United States:

  1. Audie Murphy (Medal of Honor recipient, highest decorated American soldier)
  2. Omar Bradley (General, led the 12th Army Group in Europe)
  3. Dwight D. Eisenhower (General, Supreme Allied Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force)
  4. George S. Patton (General, led the 7th Army in North Africa and Europe)
  5. Douglas MacArthur (General, led the Pacific Theater)
  6. Charles Lindbergh (Pilot, flew reconnaissance missions and led the Doolittle Raid)
  7. Jimmy Doolittle (General, led the Doolittle Raid)
  8. Carl Spaatz (General, led the US Army Air Forces in Europe)
  9. Curtis LeMay (General, led the US Army Air Forces in the Pacific)
  10. Norman Cota (General, led the 28th Infantry Division in Europe)

United Kingdom:

  1. Winston Churchill (Prime Minister, led Britain during the war)
  2. Montgomery "Monty" Montgomery (Field Marshal, led the 8th Army in North Africa and Europe)
  3. Bernard Montgomery (Field Marshal, led the 21st Army Group in Europe)
  4. Alan Brooke (Field Marshal, led the British Army in Europe)
  5. Harold Alexander (Field Marshal, led the 15th Army Group in Italy)
  6. Bernard Freyberg (General, led the 2nd New Zealand Division in North Africa and Italy)
  7. Orde Wingate (General, led the Chindits in Burma)
  8. Bill Slim (General, led the 14th Army in Burma)
  9. Montgomery "Monty" Stopford (General, led the 2nd Army in Europe)
  10. Arthur Tedder (Air Chief Marshal, led the Royal Air Force in the Mediterranean)


  1. Adolf Hitler (Führer, led Germany during the war)
  2. Erwin Rommel (Field Marshal, led the Afrika Korps in North Africa)
  3. Heinz Guderian (General, led the 2nd Panzer Army in Russia)
  4. Hermann Göring (Reichsmarschall, led the Luftwaffe)
  5. Albert Kesselring (Field Marshal, led the German Air Force in Italy)
  6. Wilhelm Keitel (Field Marshal, led the German High Command)
  7. Walther von Brauchitsch (Field Marshal, led the German Army)
  8. Fedor von Bock (Field Marshal, led the German Army in Russia)
  9. Erich von Manstein (Field Marshal, led the German Army in France)
  10. Gerd von Rundstedt (Field Marshal, led the German Army in France and Italy)

Soviet Union:

  1. Joseph Stalin (General Secretary, led the Soviet Union during the war)
  2. Georgy Zhukov (General, led the Soviet Union's defense of Moscow and Stalingrad)
  3. Konstantin Rokossovsky (General, led the Soviet Union's defense of Stalingrad)
  4. Ivan Konev (General, led the Soviet Union's defense of Leningrad)
  5. Semyon Timoshenko (General, led the Soviet Union's defense of Moscow)
  6. Kliment Voroshilov (General, led the Soviet Union's defense of Leningrad)
  7. Andrei Vlasov (General, led the Soviet Union's defense of Moscow)
  8. Vasily Chuikov (General, led the Soviet Union's defense of Stalingrad)
  9. Nikolai Vatutin (General, led the Soviet Union's defense of Ukraine)
  10. Ivan Petrov (General, led the Soviet Union's defense of the Caucasus)


  1. Hideki Tojo (Prime Minister, led Japan during the war)
  2. Isoroku Yamamoto (Admiral, led the Japanese Navy in the Pacific)
  3. Hirohito (Emperor, led Japan during the war)
  4. Mitsuo Fuchida (Admiral, led the Japanese Navy in the attack on Pearl Harbor)
  5. Minoru Genda (Admiral, led the Japanese Navy in the attack on Pearl Harbor)
  6. Isamu Chō (General, led the Japanese Army in China)
  7. Heisuke Yanagawa (General, led the Japanese Army in China)
  8. Kenkichi Yoshida (General, led the Japanese Army in China)
  9. Shizuichi Tanaka (General, led the Japanese Army in China)
  10. Tadamichi Kuribayashi (General, led the Japanese defense of Iwo Jima)

Note: This is not an exhaustive list, and there were many other notable soldiers who fought in World War II.