Tag world music charts

Here are some popular world music charts that you can follow:

  1. World Music Charts Europe: A weekly chart that ranks the top 20 world music albums in Europe, based on sales and airplay data.
  2. Billboard World Music Charts: A weekly chart that ranks the top 10 world music albums in the United States, based on sales and airplay data.
  3. FIP World Music Chart: A weekly chart that ranks the top 20 world music albums on the FIP (Freeform International Programming) radio network.
  4. KCRW World Music Chart: A weekly chart that ranks the top 20 world music albums on the KCRW (Santa Monica, CA) radio station.
  5. NPR World Music Chart: A weekly chart that ranks the top 20 world music albums on the NPR (National Public Radio) network.
  6. RootsWorld World Music Chart: A monthly chart that ranks the top 20 world music albums, based on sales and airplay data.
  7. Songlines World Music Chart: A monthly chart that ranks the top 20 world music albums, based on sales and airplay data.
  8. WOMEX World Music Chart: A bi-annual chart that ranks the top 20 world music albums, based on sales and airplay data.
  9. Global Music Charts: A weekly chart that ranks the top 20 world music albums globally, based on sales and airplay data.
  10. Afropunk World Music Chart: A monthly chart that ranks the top 20 world music albums, with a focus on African and Afro-diasporic music.

These charts are a great way to discover new world music artists and albums, and to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases in the global music scene.