Tag women must not cook

I think there may be some confusion here!

There is no such "tag" or rule that says women must not cook. In fact, cooking is a universal activity that can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of gender. Many women enjoy cooking and take pride in preparing meals for themselves and their loved ones.

In fact, cooking is a fundamental aspect of many cultures and societies around the world, and it's a way to show love, care, and hospitality to others. Women, in particular, have often been associated with cooking and nurturing roles in many societies, but this doesn't mean that they are limited to only cooking or that they can't do other things.

It's important to recognize that gender roles and expectations are constantly evolving, and it's essential to promote equality, inclusivity, and respect for all individuals, regardless of their gender or abilities.

So, to clarify, there is no "tag" or rule that says women must not cook. Instead, let's celebrate the diversity of human experiences and abilities, and recognize that cooking is a skill that can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of gender!