Tag wilshere reveals why he left arsenal

A blast from the past!

In a recent interview with The Guardian, former Arsenal midfielder Jack Wilshere revealed the reasons behind his departure from the club in 2018.

Wilshere, who made his professional debut for Arsenal in 2008, spent 17 years at the club before leaving on a free transfer to West Ham United. During his time at Arsenal, he won two FA Cups and was a key player for the team, earning 34 caps for England.

However, Wilshere's career was plagued by injuries, which limited his playing time and effectiveness. In the interview, he opened up about the struggles he faced during his time at Arsenal, including the pressure to perform and the constant scrutiny from the media and fans.

"I was always under pressure to play well, to score goals, to make assists," Wilshere said. "And when you're not playing well, it's hard to deal with. I think that's why I struggled with my form and my injuries. I was always trying to prove myself, and that took a toll on my body."

Wilshere also revealed that he felt like he was being judged more harshly than his teammates, which added to his frustration. "I think people forget that I was only 20, 21, 22 when I was playing for Arsenal," he said. "I was still a young player, and I was still learning. But people were already writing me off, saying I was finished, that I was never going to make it."

Despite his struggles, Wilshere remained committed to Arsenal and the club's values. However, he ultimately decided to leave in search of a fresh start and more playing time.

"I loved Arsenal, I loved the fans, I loved the club," he said. "But I had to think about my own career, my own happiness. I had to think about what was best for me, and that was to leave."

Wilshere's departure from Arsenal was met with sadness from fans, but he has since found success at West Ham, helping the team avoid relegation and earning a new contract.