Tag widows home

I think you meant "tag widow's home"!

If you're looking for information on how to tag a widow's home, I'm assuming you're referring to a widow's home in the context of a genealogy or family history research.

In this case, a "widow's home" typically refers to a residence or institution where a widow (a woman whose husband has passed away) lived, often with her children or other family members. These homes were sometimes established as charitable institutions or boarding houses to provide support and shelter to widows and their families.

If you're trying to find information on a specific widow's home, you may want to try the following:

  1. Check online archives and databases: Websites like Ancestry.com, FamilySearch.org, or local historical society websites may have records or information about widow's homes in your area.
  2. Consult local libraries and archives: Visit local libraries, archives, or historical societies in the area where the widow's home was located. They may have records, documents, or photographs related to the home.
  3. Search online directories: Websites like Google Books or online directories like the US Census Bureau's Historical Census Records may have information about widow's homes.
  4. Contact local genealogical societies: Reach out to local genealogical societies or historical societies in the area where the widow's home was located. They may have knowledge or resources that can help you find information.

Remember to always verify the accuracy of any information you find, and be respectful of the individuals and families involved.