Tag whistleblower

Here are some notable whistleblowers:

Government Whistleblowers

  1. Edward Snowden (2013) - Exposed NSA surveillance programs
  2. Chelsea Manning (2010) - Leaked classified documents about the Iraq War and Guantanamo Bay
  3. Daniel Ellsberg (1971) - Released the Pentagon Papers, revealing government secrets about the Vietnam War
  4. Frank Serpico (1971) - Exposed police corruption in the New York City Police Department
  5. Karen Silkwood (1979) - Investigated nuclear safety issues at a plutonium plant

Corporate Whistleblowers

  1. Jeffrey Wigand (1996) - Exposed tobacco industry's manipulation of nicotine levels
  2. Sherron Watkins (2001) - Warned Enron CEO about accounting irregularities
  3. Coleen Rowley (2002) - Exposed FBI's failure to prevent 9/11 attacks
  4. Mark Whitacre (1992) - Exposed price-fixing scheme at Archer Daniels Midland
  5. Martin Shkreli (2015) - Exposed price-gouging of life-saving drugs

Other Whistleblowers

  1. Julian Assange (2010) - Founder of WikiLeaks, published classified documents
  2. Bradley Manning (2010) - Leaked classified documents to WikiLeaks
  3. Reality Winner (2017) - Leaked NSA documents about Russian interference in US elections
  4. Reality Leigh Winner (2017) - Leaked NSA documents about Russian interference in US elections
  5. John Kiriakou (2012) - Exposed CIA's use of waterboarding

These individuals have risked their careers, freedom, and even their lives to expose wrongdoing and promote transparency.