Tag whistle blowers

Here are some notable whistleblowers who have exposed corruption, fraud, and other wrongdoing:

  1. Edward Snowden (2013): Exposed the National Security Agency's (NSA) mass surveillance programs, revealing the extent of government surveillance on citizens.
  2. Chelsea Manning (2010): Leaked classified documents to WikiLeaks, exposing US war crimes and human rights abuses in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  3. Julian Assange (2010): Founded WikiLeaks, which published classified documents and exposed government and corporate wrongdoing, including the Iraq War Logs and the US State Department cables.
  4. Daniel Ellsberg (1971): Released the Pentagon Papers, a secret study on the US involvement in Vietnam, revealing the government's deception about the war.
  5. Karen Silkwood (1974): Exposed safety and health hazards at the Kerr-McGee nuclear facility, where she worked as a quality control inspector.
  6. Walter Tornquist (1970s): Exposed the CIA's MKUltra mind control program, which involved experimenting on unwitting subjects.
  7. Frank Serpico (1970s): Exposed police corruption in the New York City Police Department, leading to reforms and increased transparency.
  8. Sherron Watkins (2001): Warned Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling about the company's accounting irregularities, leading to the collapse of the energy giant.
  9. Coleen Rowley (2002): Exposed the FBI's failure to investigate Al-Qaeda before the 9/11 attacks, leading to reforms in the agency's handling of intelligence.
  10. Bradley Manning (2010): Leaked classified documents to WikiLeaks, exposing US war crimes and human rights abuses in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  11. Thomas Drake (2010): Exposed the NSA's warrantless surveillance program, which collected data on millions of Americans.
  12. John Kiriakou (2007): Exposed the CIA's use of waterboarding and other forms of torture on detainees.
  13. Sibel Edmonds (2002): Exposed corruption and espionage within the FBI and US government, including the sale of nuclear secrets to foreign governments.
  14. Jeffrey Sterling (2013): Exposed the CIA's Operation Merlin, which involved providing flawed nuclear blueprints to Iran.
  15. Reality Winner (2017): Exposed the NSA's hacking of a Russian company's servers, which was used to influence the 2016 US presidential election.

These individuals have risked their careers, freedom, and even their lives to expose wrongdoing and promote transparency and accountability.