Tag western part of mosul

The western part of Mosul, also known as the Al-Thawra neighborhood, is a densely populated area that was heavily damaged during the battle to retake the city from ISIS in 2017. Here are some key facts about the western part of Mosul:

Location: The western part of Mosul is located on the western bank of the Tigris River, which runs through the city.

Demographics: The area is home to around 200,000 people, mostly Sunni Arabs.

History: The area was one of the first parts of Mosul to be captured by ISIS in 2014. It was also one of the last areas to be retaken by Iraqi forces in July 2017.

Damage: The area suffered significant damage during the battle to retake it, with many buildings destroyed or severely damaged. The streets are lined with rubble and debris, and many homes are still without electricity or running water.

Reconstruction: The Iraqi government has launched a major reconstruction effort in the area, with the aim of rebuilding homes, schools, and infrastructure. However, progress has been slow due to a lack of funding and resources.

Challenges: The area still faces many challenges, including a lack of basic services such as electricity, water, and healthcare. Many residents are also struggling to rebuild their homes and livelihoods.

Security: The area is considered relatively secure, with Iraqi security forces maintaining a presence in the area. However, there are still reports of occasional violence and attacks by ISIS remnants.

Economy: The area was once a major commercial center, with many shops and markets. However, the economy has been severely impacted by the conflict, and many businesses are still closed or operating at a reduced level.

Humanitarian situation: The area is home to many internally displaced persons (IDPs) who were forced to flee their homes during the conflict. Many IDPs are still living in temporary shelters or with host families, and the area is in need of humanitarian assistance.

Overall, the western part of Mosul is a complex and challenging area that requires significant investment and support to rebuild and recover.