Tag voluntary assets and income declaration scheme vaids

The Voluntary Assets and Income Declaration Scheme (VAIDS) is a tax amnesty program introduced by the Federal Government of Nigeria in 2017 to encourage taxpayers to voluntarily declare their previously undisclosed assets and income.

Here are the key tags related to VAIDS:


  1. Tax Amnesty: A program that offers taxpayers a chance to declare previously undisclosed assets and income without facing penalties or prosecution.
  2. Voluntary Disclosure: The act of voluntarily disclosing previously undisclosed assets and income to the tax authorities.
  3. Tax Compliance: The act of complying with tax laws and regulations by filing tax returns and paying taxes owed.
  4. Tax Evasion: The act of intentionally avoiding or evading taxes owed.
  5. Tax Avoidance: The act of structuring one's financial affairs to minimize tax liability, but still complying with tax laws.
  6. Tax Audit: A review of a taxpayer's financial records and tax returns to ensure compliance with tax laws and regulations.
  7. Tax Assessment: The process of determining the amount of taxes owed by a taxpayer.
  8. Tax Payment: The act of paying taxes owed to the tax authorities.
  9. Tax Relief: A reduction or waiver of taxes owed, often granted as part of a tax amnesty program.
  10. Tax Reform: Changes to tax laws and regulations to improve the tax system and promote tax compliance.

VAIDS Benefits:

  1. Immunity from Prosecution: Taxpayers who participate in VAIDS are immune from prosecution for tax-related offenses.
  2. No Penalty or Interest: Taxpayers who participate in VAIDS are not required to pay penalties or interest on previously undeclared taxes.
  3. Reduced Tax Rate: Taxpayers who participate in VAIDS may be eligible for a reduced tax rate on previously undeclared taxes.
  4. Confidentiality: Taxpayers who participate in VAIDS are guaranteed confidentiality, and their information will not be shared with third parties.

VAIDS Eligibility:

  1. Taxpayers with Unreported Income: Taxpayers who have unreported income or assets are eligible to participate in VAIDS.
  2. Taxpayers with Unpaid Taxes: Taxpayers who owe unpaid taxes are eligible to participate in VAIDS.
  3. Taxpayers with Undeclared Assets: Taxpayers who have undeclared assets, such as cash, property, or investments, are eligible to participate in VAIDS.

VAIDS Process:

  1. Application: Taxpayers must submit an application to participate in VAIDS, which includes providing detailed information about their assets and income.
  2. Verification: The tax authorities will verify the information provided by the taxpayer to ensure accuracy and completeness.
  3. Payment: Taxpayers who are accepted into the VAIDS program must pay the taxes owed, plus a reduced rate of 20% or 30% depending on the type of asset or income declared.
  4. Certification: Once the payment is made, the taxpayer will receive a certificate of compliance, which serves as proof of participation in the VAIDS program.