Tag vigilante

The vigilante!


A vigilante is a person who takes the law into their own hands, often in response to a perceived failure of the legal system to provide justice. Vigilantes may use violence or intimidation to punish those they believe have committed crimes, often targeting individuals who have escaped punishment or been acquitted.

Types of Vigilantes

  1. Street Justice: Individuals who take the law into their own hands to punish criminals on the streets.
  2. Private Eye: A private investigator who takes on cases that the police are unable or unwilling to pursue.
  3. Lyncher: A person who takes the law into their own hands to punish individuals accused of a crime, often without due process.
  4. Vigilante Group: A group of individuals who work together to take the law into their own hands, often with a specific goal or ideology.

Examples of Vigilantes

  1. Batman: A fictional character who uses his wealth and technology to fight crime in Gotham City.
  2. The Punisher: A Marvel Comics character who seeks revenge against criminals after his family is killed.
  3. The Watchmen: A group of vigilantes in the DC Comics universe who operate outside the law.
  4. The Night Stalker: A real-life serial killer who terrorized California in the 1980s, claiming to be a vigilante.

Ethical Concerns

  1. Violence: Vigilantes often use violence to achieve their goals, which can lead to harm or death for innocent bystanders.
  2. Lack of Due Process: Vigilantes often bypass the legal system, denying accused individuals the right to a fair trial.
  3. Unaccountability: Vigilantes are not accountable to the law, which can lead to abuse of power and impunity.

Real-Life Vigilantes

  1. The Zapatista Army of National Liberation: A Mexican revolutionary group that has been accused of using violence against government officials and civilians.
  2. The Lord's Resistance Army: A Ugandan rebel group that has been accused of kidnapping and forcing children to become soldiers.
  3. The Shining Path: A Peruvian terrorist group that has been accused of using violence against civilians and government officials.


Vigilantes often operate outside the law, using violence and intimidation to achieve their goals. While they may be motivated by a desire for justice, their actions can lead to harm and injustice for innocent individuals.