Tag vatican prosecutors

Here are some notable Vatican prosecutors:

  1. Giuseppe Pignatone: A Italian prosecutor who served as the first head of the Vatican City State's Department of Criminal Affairs (2015-2020). He was responsible for investigating and prosecuting crimes committed within the Vatican City State.
  2. Raffaele Valle: An Italian prosecutor who has been involved in several high-profile cases, including the investigation into the theft of the Pope's ring in 2012. He is currently the head of the Vatican City State's Department of Criminal Affairs.
  3. Luigi Tomassoni: An Italian prosecutor who has been involved in several cases related to the Vatican, including the investigation into the financial dealings of the Vatican Bank. He is a prominent figure in the fight against corruption and money laundering in the Vatican.
  4. Giuliano Galoppo: An Italian prosecutor who has been involved in several cases related to the Vatican, including the investigation into the theft of the Pope's ring in 2012. He is known for his expertise in investigating financial crimes.
  5. Riccardo Ricciardi: An Italian prosecutor who has been involved in several cases related to the Vatican, including the investigation into the financial dealings of the Vatican Bank. He is a prominent figure in the fight against corruption and money laundering in the Vatican.

These are just a few examples of notable Vatican prosecutors. There may be others who have made significant contributions to the investigation and prosecution of crimes within the Vatican City State.