Tag un report on dapchi girls ransom

Here is a TAG UN report on the Dapchi Girls Ransom:

Title: The Dapchi Girls Ransom: A Case Study of Kidnapping and Ransom in Nigeria


On February 19, 2018, a group of armed men kidnapped 110 schoolgirls from the Government Girls Science and Technical College (GGSTC) in Dapchi, Yobe State, Nigeria. The kidnapping was widely condemned by the international community, and the Nigerian government was criticized for its handling of the crisis. This report provides an analysis of the kidnapping and ransom demands made by the perpetrators, and examines the implications for the victims, their families, and the broader Nigerian society.


The kidnapping of the Dapchi girls was not an isolated incident. Nigeria has been plagued by a wave of kidnappings and ransom demands in recent years, particularly in the north-eastern region of the country. The kidnappings are often carried out by armed groups, including Boko Haram, a militant Islamist group that has been responsible for numerous attacks and kidnappings in the region.

The Kidnapping:

On the evening of February 19, 2018, a group of armed men, believed to be affiliated with Boko Haram, stormed the GGSTC in Dapchi, Yobe State. The kidnappers, who were reportedly dressed in military uniforms, took 110 schoolgirls, aged between 11 and 19, from their dormitories. The girls were forced into a convoy of vehicles and taken away from the school.

Ransom Demands:

The kidnappers made ransom demands for the release of the girls, reportedly seeking a payment of N500 million (approximately $1.4 million). The ransom demands were made through a series of phone calls and messages to the school's authorities and local government officials.

Government Response:

The Nigerian government was criticized for its slow response to the kidnapping. It took several days for the government to confirm the kidnapping, and even longer for it to admit that the kidnappers were demanding a ransom. The government's response was widely seen as inadequate, and many Nigerians felt that the government was not doing enough to ensure the safe return of the girls.


The kidnapping of the Dapchi girls has had significant implications for the victims, their families, and the broader Nigerian society. The girls have been subjected to physical and emotional trauma, and many have reported being forced to convert to Islam and being subjected to forced marriages. The kidnapping has also had a significant impact on the education sector in Nigeria, with many schools in the north-eastern region of the country being forced to close due to security concerns.


The kidnapping of the Dapchi girls is a stark reminder of the ongoing crisis in Nigeria, and the need for the government to take decisive action to address the root causes of the conflict. The government must work to improve its response to kidnappings and ransom demands, and must take steps to ensure the safe return of the girls. The international community must also play a role in supporting the Nigerian government in its efforts to address the crisis.


  1. The Nigerian government should take immediate action to ensure the safe return of the Dapchi girls.
  2. The government should work to improve its response to kidnappings and ransom demands, and should establish a dedicated team to handle such cases.
  3. The government should take steps to address the root causes of the conflict in the north-eastern region of the country, including poverty, unemployment, and lack of access to education and healthcare.
  4. The international community should provide support to the Nigerian government in its efforts to address the crisis, including providing financial and logistical assistance.
  5. The government should work to improve the security situation in the north-eastern region of the country, including increasing the presence of security forces and improving intelligence gathering.
