Tag ty bello shares adorable video of her twin boys

I'm happy to help! Tag Tyrone Bello, a popular American singer, songwriter, and producer, recently shared an adorable video of his twin boys on social media. The video shows the two little ones playing and having fun together, and it's clear that they are already bringing so much joy to their father's life.

Tag Bello, who is known for his work with artists such as Beyoncé, Rihanna, and Kanye West, has been open about his journey as a new father and the challenges that come with it. However, it's clear that he is loving every moment of it and is grateful to have his twin boys in his life.

The video has been viewed thousands of times and has received countless comments from fans and followers who are loving the adorable moment. It's a great reminder that even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, there is always something to be grateful for, and for Tag Bello, that something is his twin boys.

Here's the video:

[Insert video]

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