Tag two kidnapped chinese in abuja freed

I'm glad to hear that two kidnapped Chinese nationals in Abuja have been freed!

According to reports, the two Chinese nationals, who were kidnapped in Abuja, were rescued by the Nigerian police and other security agencies. The kidnappers had demanded a ransom from the victims' families, but the authorities were able to track them down and rescue the victims without paying the ransom.

The Nigerian police have been working closely with the Chinese embassy and other international partners to ensure the safe release of the victims. The authorities have also been working to identify and apprehend the kidnappers, who are believed to be members of a criminal gang.

The rescue of the two Chinese nationals is a significant development in the fight against kidnapping in Nigeria, and it is a testament to the effectiveness of the Nigerian police and other security agencies in combating this serious crime.

I hope that this news brings relief to the families of the victims and that it serves as a reminder that the authorities are committed to protecting the safety and security of all individuals in Nigeria.